Monday, May 18, 2009

Our chubby baby at 29 weeks

This morning I got to see baby Averi in full form. She is such a little doll. (don't worry, she wont come out looking a little alien-ish like the pics) :) She is an estimated 3lbs and 2 oz and is in the 75-90th percentile for weight. That sounds about right to me judging by how much I have been feeding her lately! She was pretty squirmy during the whole ultrasound, so dont let her fool you by how tired she looks. Unfortunately her little hand was in the way for a lot of it but you can still see her face a pretty well.

This one is my all time favorite! We got to see her yawning...

After a long hard morning of punching moms bladder and doing flips, looks like her energy level is finally catching up to her.


On Sunday we had the Allen Clan over for dinner. "Flat Stanley" was also there. He is the little one with the blue shirt ;) They are the cutest kids ever. I can't wait to have Averi... that is what we are naming baby #1. I actually got the 3-d pics of her this morning. I will be posting those shortly. I got to see her yawning. It was absolutely heart melting.
Dont forget about Sophie... She is doing well for those of you wondering about her (Im sure everyone has been dying to hear about her!). She is continuing to be naughty but just a little too cute to be disciplined to the full extent.
I have been getting bigger by the hour... or so it seems. I will be posting another belly shot soon as well. I feel like a whale already, I cant believe I still have at least 10 weeks of growing ahead of me. Thank goodness for A/C! (too bad for A/C bills)