Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Go Diamondbacks!

Saturday night we went to the Diamonbacks vs. White Sox game. We had a blast even though our Diamondbacks lost. Averi even enjoyed herself (or should I say she enjoyed the trail mix that's all over her face).
 We considered ourselves lucky that we weren't sitting two rows up where a dumb drunk girl threw up! Gotta love the inner city folk!
 Averi has taken a liking to olives (much like her mom) and loves to put them on her fingers before she eats them.


Hedgecocks said...

Cute pictures of a cute family!

M&M said...

Oh. . . that makes me think of taking Kenley to her first professional game at the stadium. SO fun!!! I love that she puts the olives on her fingers. Kenley loves them too but I feel guilty when I give them to her because I think they are disgusting!