Thursday, June 14, 2012

Utah Trip - 1st heat

So I am finally getting around to documenting our trip to Utah and Idaho back in May. We had blessed Averi in Boise when she was a baby so we decided to bless Kadence in Salt Lake this time around. We caravanned with Maria and Kenley the eleven hours to Utah and surprisingly the kids (Kadence included) did really well. Besides a meltdown or two about getting back in the car after a gas fillup, Averi was a great traveler. And Kadence pretty much just slept and ate the whole time. Yay!
This picture is really dark but here are Doug and Kadence all ready to go to church for Kadence's  big day. She wore my blessing dress from when I was blessed and it even came with a bonnet. She was so cute in it I just wanted to eat her up!
Kadence all buckled in and ready to go!

Kadence with Aunt Jody. Her and the fam drove up that morning from Logan to be there. What troopers!

Kadence all dolled up! It doesn't get much cuter than this! :)

Nammy and baby K
Averi fell asleep like this on Payton. She loves those girls!

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