My friend Tammy told be about a title company that was hosting a free Christmas Party for kids on Thursday night. I am SO glad we went! First, the kids got to sit on Santa's lap. Averi had fallen asleep in the car on the way there so she was unsociable (to say the least) with Santa. She didn't mutter a word and I had to basically just hold her near him. Kadence, on the other hand was quite vocal about her opinion on the matter. She was NOT thrilled with the situation. She started screaming bloody murder the minute she was put on his lap. Haha! Poor little thing. Luckily, she went right back to her charming self after being rescued. Then we got our free copies of pictures with Santa and a ticket for "Santa's Candy Shop".
no, my hair is not green in real life!
this has to be one of my favorite pictures of her :)
After visiting Santa, the kids (Averi and Katelyn) went to the next room to spin the prize wheel. Averi won a penquin tatoo. Then they went on to the cookie decorating room and decorated sugar cookies. Lastly, they went to Santa's candy shop to redeem their tickets for a bag full of various types of candy. I should also mention that there were snacks, sodas, and cookies for everyone to enjoy as well. I could not believe it was all free!! I am definately doing that again next year.
Fun!!! And I love the family trait of being excited and taking advantage of anything free. Also, I have to say, that is a bit of a creepy Santa so I don't blame your girls for being un-settled with it. Oh, and I like the green hair on you!
By the way, we are both laughing out loud right now. That Kadence picture is priceless!
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